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Our Environmental Policy 

SMK Building and Joinery Contractors Ltd accepts that its activities generate waste material. Therefore, the Environmental Policy of the Company is to ensure so far as it is reasonably practicable that all its operations will be carried out with a commitment to reducing waste, thereby protecting and enhancing the environment. The same commitment will be expected to be shown by contractors working for the Company. 


Concern and awareness for the environment is a fundamental principle of the Company’s business. 

The Company therefore seeks to comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regulation. It also aims to establish higher standards of environmental performance including waste management where these are practicable and appropriate. 


The Company employees are required to carry out their duties with concern for the environment. It is a condition of employment that all staff comply with this Environmental Policy Statement. 


In the event of an environmental accident or incident at work, it is a Company requirement that the details are promptly and properly reported to the directors who will investigate and take prompt action to make good any damage and avoid recurrence. 


All contractors working on behalf of the Company are required to adopt environmental standards fully consistent with those of the Company and they are expected to achieve comparable levels of performance as a condition of their contract. 

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